Selasa, 19 Maret 2013



NAMA                :         SANTI YANI PURNAMA
KELAS            :           3EB23
NPM                      :           21208133

1.  What is promotion
Answer : 
Promotion is the activity so important in marketing. Because it all about knowing the product, selling the product and advertise the product. It’s make the consume can buy the product that have promoted.
Promosi merupakan kegiatan terpenting, yang berperan aktif dalam memperkenalkan, memberitahukan dan mengingatkan kembali manfaat suatu produk agar mendorong konsumen untuk membeli produk yang dipromosikan tersebut.

2.  What is sales promotion
Answer :
(Sales promotion) is one activity of marketing that gives information, publishing and can remembering the target of market product in they company. It is make want to buy and give loyal of product what the company published it.
Promosi penjualan merupakan Salah satu aktifitas pemasaran yang berusaha menyebarkan informasi , mempengaruhi/ membujuk dan mengingatkan pasar sasaran atas perusahaan produknya agar bersedia menerima, membeli dan loyal pada produk yang ditawarkan perusahaan yang bersangkutan.

3.  Kinds of promotion
Answer :
a.   Advertising is the promotion non personality with using everything media what can invite all of community who consume it.
Periklanan (Advertising), yaitu bentuk promosi non personal dengan menggunakan berbagai media yang ditujukan untuk merangsang pembelian.

b.   Personal Selling is personal promotion with language presentation in conversation with the buyer in marketing.
* Penjualan Tatap Muka (Personal Selling), yaitu bentuk promosi secara personal dengan persentasi lisan dalam suatu percakapan dengan calon pembeli yang ditujukan untuk merangsang pembelian.

c.   Publisity is the promotion non personal about serve or entity. It is from open the information about it so general.
*Publisitas (Publisity), yaitu suatu bentuk promosi non personal mengenai pelayanan atau kesatuan usaha tertentu dengan jalan mengulas infomasi/berita tentangnya (pada umumnya bersifat ilmiah)

d.   Sales Promotion is the promotion so different of three promotion in before. It is for invite the buyer.
* Promosi Penjualan (Sales promotion), yaitu suatu bentuk promosi diluar ketiga bentuk diatas yang ditukukan untuk merangsang pembelian.

e.   Direct marketing is personal selling so direct who can invite the buyer.
*Pemasaran langsung (Direct marketing), yaitu suatu bentuk penjualan perorangan secara langsung ditujukan untuk mempengaruhi pembelian konsumen

4.  Why do we need promotion
In my opinion, We need promotion because if we want sell the product , we must do the promotion of the marketing our product. It will make our buyer can know what the all kinds of product what we sold. They can order it because they believe that our product is the good for they consumed. And promotion can make our company so famous in buyer community.

5.  Pick at Least 10 Sentences indicating present tense
                              (+)    S + V1+ Present participle
(-)     S + Do not / Does not + V1 + Present Participle
                        (-)     Do / Does + S + V1 + Present Participle
 Keterangan : 
·              For Subject ( I, You, We, They) use Do not for negative and Do for ask
·              For Subject ( He, She, It) use Does not for negative and Does for ask
Example :
a.   Today we go to supermarket.
b.   He always eat meatball everyday.
c.   He teaches English language in London of University.
d.   She says hello to her children.
e.   They make the foods so delicious.
f.    Do you bring some books in your bag?
g.   I don’t want to close my eyes.
h.   Does she look an apple on the table?
i.     He goes to school with his motorcycle everyday.
j.     Do we must go to his house now?   

6.  Pick at least 10 Sentences indicating past tense
Answer  :
                              (+)    S+V2+past participle
                        (-)     S+did not+V1+Past Participle
                        (?)     Did+S+V1+Past Participle
Example :
a.   She went to supermarket with her family.
b.   I wrote a message for my boyfriend two last ago.
c.   I didn’t buy a pencil yesterday.
d.   I saw him last night.
e.   Did she sleep last night?
f.    He did not teach me yesterday.
g.   Did she eat two apples three days ago?
h.   I brought some books yesterday
i.     Did you meet him last night?
j.     She did not sing in your bar last night.


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